Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Abandon the old force org. All hail the new formations!

I wanted to try out something completely different tonight. Basically I wanted to play the BullyBoyz in just 1650pts with 3 battlewagons.

This took some doing, for sure. 

After the 15 meganobz with wagons there is less then 650pts left. I couldn't really get in a sold CAD or Ork Horde, so I dug through formations to find something useful. And I found it.

After I had filled out the formation I had a few points left over, just enough for a bare minimum CAD.

This is the list I will play tonight:

Formation: Mogrok's Bossboys (The Red Waggh)
Big Mek (warlord)

Big Mek

Big Mek

-Lucky Stick

-level 2

Formation: Ghazghkull's Bully Boyz (Waggh Ghazghkull)
5 Meganobz
-1x Killsaws
Battlewagon, Ram, big shoota

5 Meganobz
-1x Killsaws
Battlewagon, Ram, big shoota

5 Meganobz
-1x Killsaws
Battlewagon, Ram, big shoota

Detachment: Combined arms
HQ: Painboy

HQ: Painboy

Troop: 10 grots

Troop: 10 grots

This will be the fastest deployment ever for me!

Rebuilding an old scratch built battlewagon.

So this is the first battlewagon I built, shortly after the 4th ed codex came out and before the official GW model.

It's far too wide and too low compared to the stock model. Being too wide makes it hard to deploy and too low means I might get accused of "modelling for advantage". Since I'm a player first, I strive to build all my stuff in line with GW stuff for game purposes.

Last night I tore the entire model apart and started rebuilding it into more of a playable size.

So an xacto knife, a bit of CA and a few hours later:

 Other then a roll bar and a glyph from the trukk kit, it's entirely recycled from the original build.

I'm incredibly happy with it. It's the perfect size of just over 3" tall, just about 4" wide and about 8" long. I was thinking I would have to completely repaint it, but I might be able to get away with just touching it up, at least for now.

I didn't have much left over either!

So now I have 3 playable battlewagons to use for the Bully Boyz.  I plan on painting up a trukk in Bad Moonz to go along with the Meganobz next.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Showcase: More Meganobz

Finished up the last box of Meganobz. I have built and painted 4 boxes of these guys to be able to run Ghazzy's Bullyboz.

Unlike the Bad Moon unit which is set, the other 7 guys are magnetized. 

So that's it for now, more great content coming!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Showcase: Bad Moonz Meganobz

Closing in on a full detachment of Bully Boyz.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Return to shooty Orks?

My league this month is lower points, only 1650. I wanted to try and see if shooty Orks can be a thing under the new book and 7th. Since the new book came out I've been moving more and more to close combat and speed builds with less overall shooting. 

I built a list of nothing but shooting units..and of course the lucky stick. Never leave home without it.

Ork Horde Detachment
HQ: Warboss: pk, bp, lucky stuck, 'eavy armor
HQ: Painboy
HQ: Painboy
HQ: Mek

Troop: 30 'ard shootaboyz, 3 rokkets, nob w/PK&BP
Troop: 30 'ard shootaboyz, 3 rokkets, nob w/PK&BP
Troop: 10 grots

Elite: 10 tankbustas

Heavy: 15 lootas
Heavy: 3 KMK, runts
Heavy: 5 Lobba, runts

I would have gone with 30 lootas, but decided on more mek guns instead.  The tankbustas make up for the lack of a 2nd unit of lootas.

Overall this is a lot of fun. The combination of the vast amount of shooting with the still formidable CC capabilities of the standard Ork boy makes this flexible and effective..but slow.  Depending on the type of shooting, there may not be enough bodies to get across the table..