Friday, August 24, 2018

Evil Sunz Surprise!

I've been going over what units to get to finish a 2000pt Evil Sunz list. Well, while I was moving stuff around last night I found I had painted 3 of my Kans as evil sunz, putting me over the top! Yay!

So here is the complete 2000pt (ish) Evil Sunz list:

Battalion detachment
HQ: Zadsnark
HQ: Big Mek on bike, kff, big choppa, Relic.

Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pk
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pl
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/BC
Troops: 30 shoota boys, 3 rokkits, nob w/BC

Elite: Mek, Killsaw, grot oiler
Elite: Tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs

Flyer: wazbom blastajet, WMK, kff
Flyer: Blitza-bommer

Heavy: 5 Lootas
Heavy: Battlewagon, defrolla, big shoota
Heavy: 3 Kans, rokkets

Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota *unpainted

2034pts, 127PL

So now that I've crossed the 2k barrier it motivates me to finish the last truck.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Showcase: Sammael on Sableclaw; Casual Dark Angels list

Finally all done.  Pictured with the Talonmaster wingman.

These guys are the cornerstone of a decent Ravenwing detachment, with re-rolls and lots of shots per model. 

Next weekend I have a casual event, and I toned down my DA list a bit to be more balanced to play stuff I wouldn't normally play.

Battalion Detachment
HQ: Azrael  (180)
HQ: Primaris Lt (78)
HQ: Sammael on Sableclaw (216)

Troops: 5 Intercessors (90)
Troops: 5 Tactical, Missile Launcher (90)
Troops: 5 Tactical, plasmagun, combi-plasma (93)

Elite: 5 Deathwing Terminators, Assault cannon (212)

Heavy: 5 Devastators, 3x Lascannon (140)

Outrider Detachment
HQ: Talonmaster, Havenfall Blade (188)

Fast: 5 Assault Marines, 2x flamer (98)
Fast: 5 Black Knights  (230)
Fast: 5 Ravenwing Bikes, 2x plasmagun, chainswords (151)
Fast: Ravenwing Darkshroud (138)

Elite: Ravenwing Apothecary (92)

1996 pts, 10 command points, 109PL