Monday, March 19, 2018

First Tau codex list - Bork'an sept.

Picked up my Codex today and pretty much liking what I see.

I think building around a Sept is the way to go, so that's what I did.  Picking Bork'An for my first attempt and putting as many heavy and rapid fire guns in as I could.  Also I love my Ghostkeels so those are going to benefit from the extra range!

Is the Riptide back??

1998 pts, 107 PL

Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade, 2x shield done
HQ: Commander, 2x plasma, EWO, Drone controller, 2x marker drone

Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone

Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 4 Marker done
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone

Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, 3x plasma rifle (one replaced by Plasma accelerator), XV8-02, 2x shield drone

Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock

Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker

23 total markerlights!!

Seems like a pretty obvious fire base of broadsides wrapped by firewarriors.  The buff commander is back, kinda, using command and control node stratagem when needed and the drone controller means the 14 marker drones have a better chance to hit.  The 2nd commander will manta strike to go for the kill on something important...but the extra range means he might be able to stay back a bit.  Plenty of shield drones as well to keep the broadside alive, and finally the grav drone to try and keep stuff back a bit! 

And then the ghostkeels infiltrating and being a nuisance of themselves. the extra range on the raker sound like a good way to keep them alive - with a 4++ and -2 to hit.

oh, if you're wondering why the firewarriors are 9 per unit, it's because of secondary points in ITC format tournaments.

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